Activities - Committees & Clubs
1. Gandhi House(Green)
The selected motto of Gandhi house is “strength lies in unity” which was the main effort of Gandhi in the struggle of independence. The main concept behind this house is to develop sense of healthy competition among the students and also bring out their latent qualities and potentials for their future life which realized by the famous Gandhi quote, “Education is the drawing out of the best from the child”.Gandhi house work to achieve the best that we can achieve through teamwork , encouragement and enjoyment and will be working together to make positive changes within ourselves and our community
2. Iqbal House(Red)
Iqbal house is named after an eminent poet and preacher of Humanity. The main aim of Iqbal house is to develop the self-identification, self- realization and humanity among the students. Iqbal gives the comprehension of self, it is self identity.In order to achieve this goal(Selfness) one has to sacrifice his desires, aspirations, inspiration. This is the supreme duty of Iqbal house to develop such belief in each and every child. So that every child realizes, identifies himself and becomes a role model of humanity.
3. Mehjoor House(Blue)
Mahjoor house is named after a great revolutionary poet of Kashmir, Pir Zadah Ghulam Ahmad Mehjoor . Mehjoor house leaves no stone unturned to achieve the said goal of the school. So far the flag colour allotted to our house is concerned i.e “BLUE” which signifies truth, trust loyality, wisdom and confidence. The house strain each and every nerve to attain all these characteristics then our main focus remains on the impart and disseminate these things.